Friday, June 27, 2008

Francesa Says a Rift Exists

At the end of his show on Friday afternoon, Mike Francesa addressed the situation involving a story published in last week's Newsday that proclaimed that he and Christopher "Mad Dog" Russo are drifting apart, and the show could be in troulbe.
Francesa did little to support Russo's notion, from Monday that a split does not exist, in fact, Francesa said that he and the "Dog" have been at it for a while and are on really bad terms personally.

Francesa added that the two have not spoken at all this week, and that it would be an "interesting summer" to see what direction their relationship moves towards. Therefore, Francesa did not block the notion that the show could be in trouble, emphasizing that it has been a very long run, and that he is very proud of what he and Russo have done over the past 19 years.
Again Nothing Lasts Forever!! I will be looking for a video of this as the day goes on.

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