Friday, April 19, 2013

Rex Ryan sticks foot in mouth about 2013 NFL Opener

Leave it to Rex Ryan to stick his foot in his own mouth ... again.

No he is not guaranteeing winning Super Bowl XLVIII ... at least not right now, anyway. No Ryan has decided to sound off on the Baltimore Ravens schedule. That's right a team that he is not even employed by!!

Ryan spoke out about how outraged he was that the Baltimore Orioles did not move their baseball game on Thursday, September 5 to accommodate the Baltimore Ravens potential home opener on NFL opening night.

As has become a tradition in the NFL, since 2004, the previous year's Super Bowl winner would open the season at home showcased on Thursday night, four days before the rest of the league opened its season.

The Ravens were unable to do this, because the Orioles had a scheduled home game that very night, September 5 at Camden Yards. The Orioles and Ravens share the same parking lot. Obviously have both games go on at the same time would have been logistically impossible. Therefore Baltimore will be forced to open the season in Denver.

But don't tell that to Ryan, the former defensive coordinator of the Ravens. He felt the need to opine on an issue that had nothing to do with him, his team, the New York Jets, and was totally uncalled for.

 Ryan said Thursday, "You've got 81 at home, maybe you could have done the right thing and given one up."

Umm, what? Give up on, Rex. What the heck are you talking about. Scheduling baseball games are hard enough -- they all have to be played -- all 162 of them!!

In fact, Ryan's outburst irked Orioles manager Buck Schowalter, who told the fat coach to keep his big mouth shut: "I'd be a little more concerned about Nov. 24 when the Jets come here and try to figure out a way to beat the Ravens." Showalter added, "I try to stay out of things I don't know about. I would stay in what is my area of supposed expertise."

Thank you Buck, at least some people are not afraid to give Ryan the business. 

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