Monday, July 14, 2008

Morneau Wins Derby


Typical of past homerun derby's it is best NOT to try to hit more homeruns than Babe Ruth, and Henry Aaron combined in a single round. It is better to chip away and chip away until you win. You know, like almost everything in baseball.

It appears that Josh Hamilton didn't get that message, as he belted 28 homeruns in the first round drawing cheers from a rather classless Yankee Stadium crowd, who booed all eight participants before the event even started.

Hamilton broke the record for most homeruns in a single round, but like David Wright in 2006, and Mark McGuire in 1999, Hamilton tired as the evening went on and lost.

Justin Mornueau, of the Minnesota Twins ended up winning the contest 5-3, doing just enough to win as he chiped away. He hit 17 homeruns combined in the first and second rounds, and put tremendous pressure on Hamilton, as he blasted three of his five homeruns with only two outs to go in the Final.

All Star Game is tomorrow night.

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