Friday, July 25, 2008

Oh! the Drama! Oh! the Yankees & Red Sox!


This Rivarly just brings out the best in everyone doesn't it?!?! ;)

Once again fire works were flying in Fenway Park for another redition of Yankees/Red Sox, or better know as baseball's World War.

This time Joba Chamberlin did his best immitation of Roger Clemens, as he just missed drilling Red Sox first baseman Kevin Youklis in the head with a 95 mph fastball. The ball barely missed Youklis's head, and apparently, hit his edge of his bat instead for a foul ball. Youklis got up and yelled profanities at Chamberlin, and vice versa, but there was no melee that resembeled the fight in 2004 when A-Rod and Jason Varitek went WWF on us, and Pedro Martinez sacked Don Zimmer.

It appears that Chamberlin has taken some cues from Clemens who had him under his wing last year. We all remember Clemens drilling Mike Piazza of the Mets in the skull in 2000; this was very reminisent. Lets hope Joba isn't using roids too!

Anyway Joba was fantastic tonight, going seven brilliant innings, giving up only three hits to a lineup that didn't have numskull Manny Ramirez in the lineup. It was his longest outing of the year; his record is 3-3 and he has a sparkling 2.30 ERA.

The only run came across to score in the Yankee third, when Jason Giambi continues to rake, as he laced a single to right to score Bobby Abreu.

In the ninth there were more fireworks. Mariano Rivera was able to get David Ortiz to pop up to shallow right. He then gave up a single to Youklis to make things interesting. Rivera beared down and got Mike Lowell looking at strike three. Lowell hated it, as he threw his bat and helmet to the ground and was screaming at the home plate umpire. He was tossed from the game, and don't be surpirsed if he is suspended for tomorrow's game - because his outburst was uncalled for, the pitch was down the middle of the plate!!!

Anyway, the Yankees win a big game, and are only two back of Boston for the Wild Card. Tampa Bay is winning in Kansas City, so the Yankees may not gain ground here.

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