ESPN originally reported that the quarterback had the surgery in May to repair the tendons that cost him and the New York Jets any shot of making it to the postseason. Story.
The Vikings continue to deny that they have any interest in Favre, stating the party line that they are happy with Sage Rosenfels and Travris Jackson. Still people think that the good ole number four will be in purple and gold in September.
I find this hard to believe. At this point in the year, it is late for Favre to have surgery and expect to be ready to go when August rolls around. That means a 40-year-old man would have only two months or less to recover from the surgery completely, before he throws a football. That is not going to happen.
If Favre had the surgery in February, than the chance of a comeback would have been more likely. It takes time to heal from surgery on a torn bicep, and for a quarterback like Favre, if he wants to return, the last thing he wants to do is risk the chance of tearing the tendon again without it totally healed up.
If Favre returns, maybe, maybe, maybe it would be a mid season addition, where Favre spends September and October training with the Vikings in order to build his arm strength back up. Last June, Favre was throwing the ball at a Mississippi high school, making it clear that he was ready to return. As far as anyone knows Favre is not throwing right now, and there is no idea when he will.
If Favre doesn't return to the field this season, then this speculation will have to come to a end; otherwise we are talking about a 41-year-old man making a comeback in 2010, after more than a year away from the game.
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