Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Donald Trump wants to own the Mets

The New York Mets are in limbo. With huge uncertainty surrounding the team's financial situation as Fred and Jeff Wilpon, and their partner, Saul Katz, are about to be sued for more than $1 billion by Irving Pichard, trustee for the investor victims of the Bernie Madoff scheme. Consequently, the Mets have been scrambling to curb their troubles.

Two weeks ago, the Mets announced that they were looking for a part owner who would buy up to 30% of the Mets baseball team but would have no say in personnel matters and no claims to SNY, the Mets television network. As more details have rolled out regarding how much of a financial quagmire the Mets will find themselves in during trial, it has become clear that whoever buys the team, needs to have 50 %, if not a majority share, of ownership.

Martin Luther King III was the first to step up to the plate; he wants the entire franchise. Jerry Seinfeld and New York City Mayor and billionaire Michael Bloomberg have declined interest in buying the team. But now, here comes The Donald. That's right: Donald Trump.


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